Wednesday, August 8, 2012

how i spent my summer vacation

It's no secret that me and good luck don't really go together.

We're not bff''s.  It's not a peanut butter and jelly, ross and rachel, biggest loser and ice cream sorta thing.

It's alright. Long ago, in a far away land (although I still live there...) I was bitten by a black widow spider, diagnosed with an incurable disease (I'm not dying), and somehow managed to completely delete the entire hard drive on my uncle's computer by pressing a button that in my opinion shouldn't exist in the first place.  It only leads to heartache, I assure you.

But sometimes on a rare occasion something brilliant happens.  And it cancels out all that unluckiness in one fell swoop. 

It is grand. It is momentous. And it happened to me last weekend. Or as K.P would say.."last friday night.."

That's right it's these gals I'm talking about. 

The epitome of awesome.

We've been through it all. From the time that one guy read us his journal explaining how he had soiled not one, but TWO pairs of underwear to the day Melody was so mad she threw cupcakes into 60mph winds and I was forced to give her a look of shame and bewilderment.

Whoopie cushions. Frostbite. Chinese buffet. Hot cinnamon. You name it. It's been done.

This is Celia.  Who I lovingly refer to as my favorite Aussie that I wish lived in the same country as me so we could eat Tim Tam Slams and cereal and listen to Jack Johnson every day. Or at the very least, every other day.

Melody. How can I ever repay you for introducing me to Miranda?

Alas, I cannot. This I know is true.
If you don't know who Miranda is by need better friends. Your welcome.


Celia decided it was time to have a little holiday in America so she hopped on a plane to see some of her favorite peeps.

And a weekend of greatness was had!

I think at one point our husbands suggested that we were worse than a group of teenage boys. You know you're onto something good when words like that are thrown around.

Food for the masses. Ahem. I mean the three of us.

We even found motivation to exercise! Just kidding..we didn't do any of that.

It's a blacktop blur people. But I'm pretty sure it ruled. Yeah.

Even Ellie had the time of her life.

Summer = Made.