Tuesday, March 6, 2012

basket case

I'm currently lying in bed waiting for Spring.  I think I'll be here awhile but that's okay.

Life is so much prettier in the Spring.

My name means "new beginning" and I am in need of one soon.  Like now.

So in the midst of this bitter winter I just want to say a few things:

Thank you to the little girls who brought over popcorn because it's one of my favorite things and it was delicious.

Thank you to my husband and little babe who make smile even on the toughest days.

Thank you John Mayer for giving me sweet tunes to listen to.

Thank you weatherman for the promise of snow, because when I look out my window and see everything so white and beautiful I feel at peace.

And I'm also thankful for a Heavenly Father that knows me and loves me and believes in me.


"Perseverance is demonstrated by those who keep going when the going gets tough, who don't give up even when others say "it can't be done".

So if you're having a hard time right now, hang in there and I will too.

We'll just wait for Spring together.


  1. Hugs pretty girl. We love you very much and you are in our daily prayers.

  2. Thanks for being some needed sunshine in my life!
