Friday, June 3, 2011

The truth of the matter..

I realized today that I have a habit of starting things.

Seriously..I am SO good at this.

I start movies.

And projects around my house.

And dinner...

The only real problem with any of this is that I am REALLY bad at finishing these things that I start.

And the second problem to this habit is that instead of finishing one project, I just start another.

I might have A.D.D

For example..

It only took me 30 seconds to count 6 things I have started in the last 24 hours that I now do NOT want to finish.

So instead of getting down to business in the last 30 minutes,  I have been..

Reading this

Falling in l-o-v-e

Wishing I could really have just ONE teensy, tiny  bite of this...

And pondering how I can make our new budget disappear. 

This is the bazillionth time we've made a new budget..

I hate budgets.



I like money and I like to know it's there when I need's all that structure that gets me down.

You how this morning I literally watched my husband subtract money from my spending amount for the month of June.

Stupid excel spreadsheet. 

Stupid Itunes for taking my $1.00 just so I could listen this gem anytime I want.


I should probably go do something.



  1. I have ADD April. It is a blessing and a curse!

  2. I also hate budgets but have lived on one for my whole life. GAG !

  3. Pretty sure you should make me those cookies n cream brownies, since you are a fabulous baker and all.... ;)
